About Us
Keyes to Learning Charter School is California public charter school #85, founded in 1995 with the vision of creating the best possible environment for individual learning and to create a model for educational innovation by integrating the resources of the community, the expertise of professional educators, and the bonds of the family unit.
Recognizing that children achieve best when parents are actively involved in the learning process, Keyes to Learning Charter School, also known as KTL, provided families of kindergarten through eighth grade students the materials, expertise, and opportunities needed for a quality education. This was accomplished by providing families with:
- Regular professional interaction
- High quality organized curriculum
- Direct access to materials
- Frequent and varied assessments
- Opportunities to utilize community resources
Today, KTL draws from that same vision and is proven to be “the best possible environment for individual learning.” This vision now encompasses three educational programs, each developed from requests of our stakeholders. KTL’s parents are an important part of our success and as their needs have changed the KTL administration and staff has adapted to meet their needs. KTL thrives because families choose KTL over other charter schools, and traditional programs available in Stanislaus County and has expanded its offerings to teach students from transitional kindergarten through high school.